Try these natural energy boosters whenever the rush of the holidays begins to wear you down!

We all want to enjoy the holidays with as much energy as possible. However, it can be easy to feel tired and worn down trying to keep up with the to-do list that seems to get longer this time of year. Here are a few tips for a natural energy boost this holiday season.


5 Tips for a Natural Energy Boost

Natural Energy Boost

1.) Take a Walk Outside

Moving our bodies is a quick way to get a healthy boost of energy. Adding the sunshine and fresh air of an outdoor walk leads to an even more significant natural energy boost. Vitamin D, which aids in things like mental focus and fighting fatigue,  is an essential vitamin that we often lack enough of. A 10-15 minute walk outside is an easy way to soak in the Vitamin D from the sun while getting your blood flowing.


2.) Visit a Chiropractor

The spine houses and protects the spinal cord, which directly impacts the central nervous system. The central nervous system works as the body’s communication control panel. The spine must be healthy and properly aligned to function at its maximum capacity. If there are misalignments within the spine, you can be left feeling lethargic or in pain, which has its own way of zapping energy. A chiropractor will fix misalignments within your spine, helping to eliminate pain and open lines of communication in the nervous system, providing a natural energy boost.

natural energy boost

3.) Eat a Healthy Snack

With the season’s rush, we often neglect to fuel our bodies properly. If you feel lethargic, it may be due to a drop in your blood sugar. Make sure to stock up on snack foods that are rich in healthy fats and protein, such as nuts, hard-boiled eggs, or bananas with peanut butter. 


4.) Hydrate

It may seem like a simple solution, but along with adequate fuel, this easy energy booster is also one of the first to get forgotten during the holiday season. Especially if you tend to reach for holiday beverages, the water intake can get pushed to the wayside in favor of the flavors of the season. If making sure you drink enough water each day seems like a chore, try these ideas to make it a little more fun: 


  • Find a festive holiday water bottle to carry with you. 
  • To “earn” your peppermint latte, drink the equivalent in water first. 
  • End the evening with a sparkling water adorned with a sprig of rosemary (go ahead and put it in a fancy glass too).
  • Add a cinnamon stick to hot water for a soothing drink (cinnamon also works as another great natural energy boost)   

Natural Energy Boost

5.) Try Stretch Therapy

The holiday season is meant to be joyous but can also come with added obligations that leave us feeling tense. Stretch therapy is a great natural energy booster as it helps to loosen tension while also increasing blood flow to aid in circulation. Circulation helps to move oxygen through our bodies. Thanks to improved circulation from assisted stretching, oxygen can flow more efficiently to the brain, positively impacting focus and energy levels.


Whether you schedule a stretch session, plan a midday walk around the neighborhood, or visit your chiropractor, these are just a few easy ways to get a natural energy boost this season. We all know that the last thing we need during the holidays is to feel lethargic. 


Chiropractic & Stretch Therapy in Central Florida 

At Lake Mary Chiropractic Center, our comprehensive wellness approach includes chiropractic care and stretch therapy, among other natural treatment methods. Our chiropractors and stretch therapists are passionate about ensuring you function at your best throughout the holiday season. We provide chiropractic care, physical therapy, assisted stretching, and spinal decompression to Lake Mary and the greater Central Florida community.