Car Accident? See a chiropractor!

Should I See a Chiropractor After a Car Accident?

Road travel is a significant component of summer vacations, so it makes sense summer is a peak time for auto accidents to occur. Those of us from Florida get double the impact. According to a 2020 World Atlas report, Florida is the leading state when it comes to the number of accidents. The injuries sustained from these collisions can range in severity and lead to any number of problems. For this reason, it is helpful to know your treatment options. You may be wondering, should I see a chiropractor after a car accident?


Is it good to see a chiropractor after a car accident?

The short answer is yes! Chiropractic care is a non-surgical, drug-free method of treatment. Chiropractic care can treat many injuries resulting from a car accident, such as back pain or whiplash. A chiropractor will review x-rays of the trauma and create an individualized care plan. This care plan may include spinal adjustments, physical therapy exercises, chiropractic massage, and other techniques.


What if it’s a minor accident and I don’t feel any pain?

Even a minor accident can result in issues that affect your spine. While you may not feel pain initially, any direct impact to the car will impact your body, which could move your spine out of proper alignment. This can result in pain later on in the form of back aches, neck pain, or headaches. The sooner you can get an adjustment to restore your spine to a healthy alignment, the better. 

Should I See a Chiropractor After a Car Accident?

How soon should I seek chiropractic care after an accident? 

You should schedule an appointment with a chiropractor as soon as possible following an auto accident, even if you don’t feel any immediate pain. Laws in the state of Florida say that you have 14 days to see a professional. Not getting seen within the first two weeks of the accident results in the forfeit of your PIP (Personal Injury Protection) coverage. 


Who pays for chiropractic care after a car accident?

This will vary by state and insurance claims, but because Florida is a no-fault state, your personal injury protection covers a portion of your medical treatment. No matter which driver is at fault, PIP coverage should be enough to cover your chiropractic care, leaving you with no out-of-pocket costs. When you see a chiropractor after a car accident, they will be able to discuss your options for insurance claims. 


Can chiropractic care help with old accident injuries?

Chiropractic is a full-body approach to healing and focuses on restoring abnormal spinal alignment. Conventional medicine approaches treatment with drugs or surgery, masking the problem. That is where chiropractic care comes in. Even if your injury is years old, a chiropractor can work to address the source of the issue. Chiropractic care works by adjusting the spine in small increments, giving the body what it needs to heal naturally.


Chiropractic Care for Car Accidents in Lake Mary, Fl

At Lake Mary Chiropractic Center, our board-certified chiropractors use proven methods to help you heal from auto accidents. 80% of our clients come to us because of issues resulting from an accident. If you were involved in an auto accident, call our office at 407-302-5161. Located in the heart of Central Florida and serving the Lake Mary area, our dedicated team is ready to help you heal!