Assisted stretching can be great for your health.
![Assisted Stretching Health](data:image/svg+xml;nitro-empty-id=MzI1OjY2OA==-1;base64,PHN2ZyB2aWV3Qm94PSIwIDAgNjAwIDQ1MCIgd2lkdGg9IjYwMCIgaGVpZ2h0PSI0NTAiIHhtbG5zPSJodHRwOi8vd3d3LnczLm9yZy8yMDAwL3N2ZyI+PC9zdmc+)
Assisted stretching is the act of stretching with the assistance of another person. Stretching has many benefits for your health. Assisted stretching allows you to take your solo stretching routine to another level.
10 Reasons Assisted Stretching is Good for Your Health
Assisted stretching increases range of motion.
Range of motion is important to the health of our muscles and joints. By improving range of motion, we give better support to our muscles and joints. This can help combat issues that can cause pain and stiffness in our joints as we age.
Assisted stretching improves flexibility.
The more flexible our bodies, the more mobility they have. Assisted stretching loosens and lengthens muscles, helping with flexibility. Flexibility works side-by-side with range of motion, and improving both helps prevent injury.
Stretching lowers your risk for injury.
Stretching helps reduce the risk of injury. When our muscles are stiff, they don’t have the range of motion needed to cushion an impact, making injuries more likely. It is especially important to stretch before exercising to make sure our bodies are ready to perform. We should also stretch after exercising to help with recovery.
Stretch therapists are knowledgeable of the body.
If you have ever had a friend push your arm up to help deepen a stretch, you have practiced assisted stretching. To make sure you are truly getting the best care and not potentially injuring yourself, assisted stretching is best done with a trained therapist. Knowing the placement of muscles and the way the body recovers after a stretch plays an essential role in your health. A stretch therapist will be able to design a routine uniquely designed for your body and your health goals.
Good posture supports a healthy body.
Body posture links to overall health. Tight muscles can cause you to slump forward or arch your back. A stretch therapist will address areas of poor posture and choose stretches that will fix postural issues.
Assisted stretching can help you destress.
Stress can weaken the immune system making you more susceptible to illness. When we are stressed, our bodies tense up. Stretching can help relieve this tension. Stretching with the assistance of a therapist allows you the ability to relax into the stretch fully. Your therapist will take care of which stretches to do and how long to hold them.
Assisted stretching helps with circulation.
Increasing blood flow to muscles and tissue improves circulation and can reduce blood pressure. Stretching helps circulation, which helps move oxygen throughout the body. The flow of oxygen in our body supports the function of organs. Heart health, brain focus, and healing time can all be impacted by improved circulation from assisted stretching.
Assisted stretching can relieve pain.
When our body doesn’t feel good, we don’t feel good. Partner stretching can relieve pain by targeting tight or injured muscles. Pinched nerves or sore muscles can restrict movement and cause pain. Stretching can fix these problems and alleviate discomfort.
Being active helps you stay healthy.
Stretching is part of maintaining an active lifestyle because healthy muscles are needed to stay active. Making stretch therapy part of your weekly routine means your muscles will be ready to go when needed. You keep your car tuned up to make sure it runs properly and the same rule applies to your body.
Improper stretching has negative health effects.
If you have ever suffered an injury that impacts your muscles, you know that recovery can take time. Working with a stretch therapist can speed healing time by correctly addressing the issue causing the pain. Your therapist will use trained techniques to make sure you are not doing stretches that can worsen the injury.
Are you looking for a stretch therapist in the central Florida area? We offered assisted stretching at Lake Mary Chiropractic Center. Our therapists will help create a program specifically for you. Call us (407.302.5161) with any questions and to schedule your next stretching session. Don’t forget to ask about our current Stretch Special!