Chiropractic care is an amazing option for both physical and mental health. 

We often think about chiropractic care in conjunction with physical health, but it also plays a huge role in mental health. Back pain, headaches, or fatigue can be physical signs of stress and anxiety. There are drug-free options for helping treat mental health, including a visit to the chiropractor. Here are just some of the many benefits of chiropractic care for mental health.

3 Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Mental Health

Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Mental Health

Chiropractic Adjustments Reduce Stress

Stress stems from the nervous system. The central nervous system comprises the brain and the spinal cord, which communicate with each other. When the spine is out of alignment, the nervous system is disrupted, altering that communication and causing issues that lead to stress


Chiropractic care is a complete system of healthcare focused on optimizing health by correcting abnormal spinal alignment. A chiropractor will work to restore the spine to a healthy alignment, allowing the nervous system to operate correctly and help your body handle stress effectively. By getting regular adjustments, your body is better equipped to respond to stress triggers.


Chiropractic Care Balances Mood and Cognitive Function

The constant rush of the day and the endless to-do list impact not only our cognitive abilities but our mood as well. When our nervous system  is properly functioning, it can better combat these adverse effects. By implementing a chiropractic care routine, we can better regulate our mood, making us less prone to anxiety and depression.


Relieving Tension Optimizes Mental Health 

When stressed, our bodies hold tension. This tension can lead to sleep loss, discomfort, pain, stress, and other issues. Chiropractic adjustments help relieve tension throughout the body. Your chiropractor may also recommend implementing stretch therapy with a licensed therapist.

Stretch therapy will help alleviate muscle tension with targeted, personalized stretching. A stretch therapist will talk with your chiropractor to determine the areas your body holds tension. Creating a stretching routine designed to your specific needs will help during in-office visits and follow-up care at home.


These are just some of the many benefits chiropractic care can have on mental health. Nutrition also plays a role in mental health, and some foods increase inflammation, which can increase stress and anxiety. A chiropractor can tell you foods to avoid, supplements to help with stress, and offer helpful exercises to relieve tension. 


Chiropractic Care for Mental Health in Lake Mary, Florida 

Making chiropractic care a part of your lifestyle can decrease stress levels and improve your mental health. At Lake Mary Chiropractic Center, our doctors are passionate about optimizing our patient’s quality of life. We believe in a comprehensive approach to health that includes both physical and mental wellness. We would love to be part of your healthcare team.