Are You Doing These Things That Damage Your Spine?

Have you’ve ever had back pain that was so painful, it was enough to make King Kong cry, “Uncle”?  When a muscle spasm occurs in your back, nothing else in the world matters except making it STOP. Applying ice and seeing a chiropractor can help, but when it comes to back pain, for many the old saying your mom used to say rings true:  “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”.

There are many things that you do on a daily basis that put stress and strain on your back without you even realizing it. These things may not cause immediate pain, but over time may lead to arthritic change and chronic pain.  

You slouch.

Poor posture is a top offender for neck and back pain.  Many of us spend our day slouched over a computer at work.  If you slouch your head forward at a 45° angle looking at your laptop or your phone, it’s like adding 49 pounds to the weight of your head!  Imagine the strain that causes on your neck and back! To prevent back problems, be mindful of your posture and try to sit at a 90° angle and make sure that you have an office chair that is ergonomically correct.  Get up and move around for a few minutes every half hour and go for a walk at lunch instead of sitting at your desk or the lunchroom.

Speaking of your desks, sit / stand desks have become a popular way to alleviate the problems associated with sitting all day.  By alternating positions, you may reduce the risk of shoulder and back pain.

You eat too much junk food.

Being overweight puts excess pressure on your spine and joints, which can be an aggravating factor with respect to back pain.  Processed foods can clog arteries and create and inflammatory response by the body which in turn can cause pain.  By dropping some weight and eating healthy foods, you can prevent back pain and create a healthier lifestyle.

You wear high heels all the time.

Sure, they look fantastic and they’re fun to wear for a night out, but high heels cause your back to arch which puts a strain on your back muscles.  High heels force you to alter the alignment of your spine putting you at potential risk for developing back pain. Various aspects of the musculoskeletal system have been studied in association with wearing high heels.  It’s best to switch to flats and wear the heels for special occasions.

Your mattress came here on the Mayflower.

If you wake up every day in pain, it may be time for a new mattress.  You should invest in a new mattress every 10 years. And don’t skimp on it.  You’ll be spending a third of each day on it. Most discount mattresses are discounted for a reason.  In my opinion, memory foam mattresses are superior to spring because they disperse your weight better.

Your purse weighs more than a small child.  

How could you possibly need everything in it every day?  According to the American Chiropractic Association, your purse should weigh no more than 10% of your body weight.  Learn to live minimally and be more discerning about what you need to carry around with you all day.  Try using a smaller purse so you’re not able to carry as much.

Your exercise routine is virtually non-existent.

Our bodies are machines that need to move.  Find time to get some exercise in every day.  Try sneaking it in by taking the stairs instead of the elevator, parking a half mile from work so you have longer to walk, or do yard work.  At least a half-hour a day is recommended.  Incorporate weight resistance training for a stronger bones and muscles.

You smoke.

If you’re still smoking, STOP!  There’s a lengthy laundry list of reasons to not smoke (ever) and back problems are on it.  Nicotine (even vaping it) blocks oxygen and other nutrients from getting to your spine’s discs.  This leaves them less able to repair themselves and are prone to collapse at a much younger age than non-smokers.  When back surgery is needed, smokers take a much longer time to heal from it.

You have a long commute.  

Hunching over a steering wheel for hours each day can do the same damage as slouching over a desk.  Make sure that your posture is good and that your seat is positioned close enough that you don’t have to stretch.  Use your lumbar support if your car seat has one to properly support your lower back alignment. If your car doesn’t have one, buy an aftermarket support.

You’re a big ball of stress.

Stress is what you feel when you have too much to handle. You may have too much work to do, or you may be having trouble with children or a spouse. If stress happens too often or lasts too long, it can affect your health.  Anxiety can drastically increase muscle tension, which in turn increases pain. Since the back contains a variety of muscles that are known to tense during stress, this can lead to mild to severe back pain in both the upper and lower back.

Back pain is no picnic, but for many it can be alleviated or even prevented by kicking some bad habits and being mindful of the positions in which you keep your body in throughout the day and night.  At Lake Mary Chiropractic, we treat acute or chronic neck / back pain, headaches or other injuries (including falls, car accidents & sports) using spinal manipulation, physical therapy, nutritional coaching and other modalities that use a non-invasive, drug-free approach.  

Call Lake Mary Chiropractic today at (407)302-5161 for a free consultation.