A healthy school year is a happy school year!

The start of a new school year brings lots of fun and excitement. However, it can also bring worries about how to ensure kids, and ultimately the family, stay healthy during the school year. Here are a few back-to-school health tips for a healthy school year. 

Back-To-School Health Tips

Back-To-School Health Tips

Pack a Healthy Lunch

Our health is closely tied to the way we fuel our bodies. Send your kids to school with clean foods that are rich in protein and nutrients. Don’t pack anything too sugary, as sugar can impact their immune system and brain function. 


Have a Back-to-School Water Bottle

Hydration is vital for everyone, children included. Water helps carry nutrients and oxygen to our cells, aids digestion, and helps rid our body of toxins and bacteria. While the 8-cup-a-day rule doesn’t always apply to children, determine the right amount of water intake for them and make sure that they are drinking throughout the day. 


Practice Good Hygiene 

When starting school, one of the first things kids learn is hand washing habits. If your child is starting school, practice hand washing at home to reinforce these habits and help keep germs at bay. Remind them to wash their hands after using the bathroom and before eating lunch.

Back-To-School Health Tips

Pick A Functional Backpack

The backpack your child takes to school is about so much more than the cool print they pick out. Spine health is crucial to keeping your body functioning properly. If your child’s backpack isn’t the right fit or is too heavy for them, this can cause misalignments in their spine. If their spine is out of alignment, their immune system becomes compromised.


Related Post: Spinal Alignment Mistakes You Might Be Making

Schedule Regular Visits to a Chiropractor

Make it a priority to keep up with chiropractic adjustments for the whole family, or find a chiropractor if you don’t have one. When the body is out of alignment, it doesn’t function properly, making you more susceptible to sickness. Children can also benefit greatly from visits to the chiropractor. A chiropractor will help you stay healthy year-round by optimizing your body’s ability to work to its fullest potential.


Stay Active

An active lifestyle is a healthy lifestyle. While they should get recess and have time for physical education, the gap between the time students spend sitting at a desk versus active play time is widening every year. They will need more activity than just what they are getting at school. Take an evening walk as a family, or sign your kids up for a sport.


Stick to a Sleep Schedule

Getting adequate sleep is highly beneficial for keeping kids healthy. Create a calming bedtime routine that allows them to unwind and ensures they get a restful night’s sleep. Depending on the age, children need anywhere from 8-12 hours of sleep each night. 

These are just some of the back-to-school health tips you can utilize to keep your family healthy this school year.! If you need more tips for staying healthy, your local chiropractor will be a wealth of knowledge.


Have a Healthy School Year in Lake Mary, FL

Are you looking for a chiropractic office in or around Lake Mary, Florida? Our dedicated team of Lake Mary Chiropractic Center chiropractors is passionate about healthy living. We would be happy to walk alongside you to help keep your family healthy. We are located in Central Florida, serving Lake Mary, Sanford, Longwood, and Greater Orlando.